Kauri dieback: clean bill of health for Hūnua Ranges

Kauri dieback: clean bill of health for Hūnua Ranges

A Te Ngāherehere o Kohukohunui / Hūnua Ranges Kauri Population Health Monitoring Survey just published, has revealed no detectable signs of kauri dieback (P. agathidicida) in the Hūnua Ranges. The health monitoring survey, the first for the Hūnua Ranges, was carried...
Summer Sunday Shuttles

Summer Sunday Shuttles

We are stoked to announce three new dates for our Summer Hūnua Traverse Sunday Shuttles. 📆Sunday, 16 February📅Sunday, 16 March📅Sunday, 13 April Email us today to register your interest and enjoy this 44.5km ride through the Hūnua Ranges Regional Park, encompassing...
Weekday closure from 6 January

Weekday closure from 6 January

Northern Section to close weekdays from Monday 6 January. Exotic forestry harvesting works have been confirmed to start on Monday 6 January 2025 for a period of approx five years. It means that from 6 January riders (and walkers and runners) won’t be able...
Hunua Traverse Weekend Shuttle

Hunua Traverse Weekend Shuttle

We’re partnering with The Y Camp Adair to trial a Hūnua Traverse weekend shuttle on Sunday 20 October. Numbers are strictly limited: email hello@hunuatraverse.co.nz to book your seat ASAP.$50pp (with all proceeds going directly to The Y Camp Adair).Option One:...