Northern Section to close weekdays from Monday 6 January.
Exotic forestry harvesting works have been confirmed to start on Monday 6 January 2025 for a period of approx five years. It means that from 6 January riders (and walkers and runners) won’t be able to access the Northern Section of the Hūnua Traverse during weekdays.
- The Northern Section (Clevedon to Upper Mangatawhiri Valley) will open weekends and public holidays.
- The Southern Section of the Hūnua Traverse (between Upper Mangatawhiri Valley and Kaiaua), including the glorious Mangatangi Hill and the campgrounds, will remain open 7-days.
Where exactly is the closure?
The harvesting works will be undertaken in the Keeney Road area, so the Hūnua Traverse will be strictly closed from Plows Road to the top of Waterline Road.
Our new maps will also indicate a weekday closure of both Otau Mountain Road and the Ness Valley Alternate access (including Moumoukai Hill Road).
- Ness Valley / Moumoukai Hill Road will be used by logging trucks and for your safety should absolutely be avoided during weekday harvesting works.
- Logging trucks will cease using Otau Mountain Road in early 2025 (standby for more info) so riders will soon be able to use Otau Mountain Road and McKenzie Road from Clevedon, but access through to Plows / Keeney Roads will be strictly prohibited during weekdays, making this a dead-end (or a scenic ‘there-and-back’ depending on your point of view). Please remember there is no parking at the top of Otau Mountain Road. This area must be preserved as a turning circle for service and emergency vehicles.
- Waterline Road will remain open from Upper Mangatawhiri Valley up to Wairoa Hill Road, but the gate to Keeney Road will be closed during weekdays.
What are the alternative options?
Plan your Hūnua Traverse adventure for weekends and public holidays when the route is fully open end-to-end.
If that’s not possible, weekday riders and bikepackers travelling between Auckland and Waikato on weekdays can utilise the Hūnua Village Alternate Access Route to connect to the Southern Section of the Hūnua Traverse, or the Coastal Alternate Access Route to avoid the Hūnua Traverse altogether (refer map).